Alzayn: 16 years old tall wavy light brown hair,normal height sharp nose,yes she have the sexy body tanned skin and wide smile with dimples on both cheeks and wide eyes *JAMELA* ejtma3eya w7ayl 7abouba
Abdulaziz:*alzayn's older brother* 19 years old,he's HOT rfejat alzayn zayghen 3alayh,m3athel shway mu goubgob two dimples on both cheeks tanned skin too,tha7keta? Akkhh bas akhh *ehwa walzayn copy paste neskhat b3ath chenhoum twins ou lehoum nafs elshakh9eya ejtma3yen
Noura: alzayn's cousin,she's 18 years old perfect body Met7ajba Wayed thgela Wayed ye3tbroun thigelha nafseya
Mneera: 13 years old bas 3agelha akbar men 3umerha ele Wayed yen9admoun ena noura walzayn wmnera 7ayl wehya ba3ath ou she's alzayn's cousin too,chubby plus nafs'ha shaina ma3a ele mat3arefhoum wma tetqabal ay a7ad
Bader: Noura's brother,he's 19 years old ba3ad wham rfeej aziz,JAMEEL bma3na elkelma men 6agat jamal aziz bas tga6e3 elwayh ghayr bader 3ala a7la bwayedd
Hathayl elmain characters,there are more that will show up as the story unfolds..
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