السبت، 3 أغسطس 2013

post 14

So its the first time that I post from my blackberry since I started part 2! So elsemou7a 3alkha6 aw ay shay bytghayar bas 3ashan agdar anazel posts bay wagt xx


So they arrived to germany,at munich airport there was ambulance tan6er abdullah.. They took him and off to the hospital!

Aysha,lama and wahab was in the other car,with the translator..

When the arrived to the hospital,everything was okay.. Ya3ne men na7yat elmu3amala welmukan!

They gave them one room,7ag elmareeth wmurafeq elmareth!

So they need Book a nearby hotel..

Lama: okay but we need to stay with my mother! We can't leave her alone

The nurse: sorry,I'm not good at english;c

Lama: wahab tukfa kalem jehad 'the translator' laa anjle6 ana! Shnuu hatha shloun teshtghel bmustashfa wehya mat3aref 7ata tet7acha!

Wahab: hadday entay wal7een eyey jehad wykalmhom, *to the nurse*please wait for one second!

Jehad: fee aih?

Wahab: ma36ena ghurfa wa7da 7ag murafeq wa7ed,wmay36on sheqa 7ag el3arab.. Wele y3afek kalemhum e7na m3ana mara kbera ou mareth may9er nkhalehum brou7hom welwalda matkhale elmareth brou7a!

Jehad: ma3lesh ana 7a7awel akalemhum 3ashan kha6rek bas estana akalem eldr. a9l elnurse mesh 7atfedna b7aga

Wahab: ele tshoufa elmuhem kalemhum

Jehad: Hallo, Dr. bedürftige Patienten Wohnung Deutschen begleitet, können sie nicht verlassen, den Patienten mit der Mutter oder die Mutter des Patienten verlassen, was ist die Lösung?

The dr.: Es gibt keine nicht-B-Lösung in einem der Hotels, wird der Patient unter Kontrolle zu sein, und wir sind zu ihrer Verfügung, und sie können im Krankenhaus von morgens bis abends gibt es

Jehad: by2oulek mafesh 7al ghair enku te7gezu funde2 2urayab men hena wtkouno mawgouden 6oul elyoum bas wa2t elnoum tkouno belfundu2

Wahab: wya3ne elfendeq greeb?

Jehad: aywa de2e2tain bas men hena lehnak wbdon syara kaman

Wahab: ha shgeltay yuba?

Lama: shloun akhale umey? Ballah belail yaboun shay wela shayyat! La'a manabe

Wahab: shfech fe jaras hney t6ega eyonha wmustashfa ehya mu brou7ha

Lama: hmm

Wahab: haa?

Lama: ele tshoufona

Wahab: khala9 jehad nshouf elfendeq,na7jez wn7e6 aghrathna wnred

Jehad: khala9 delwa2te ngeb shuna6 elmurafeq welmared wnrou7 ne7gez wtray7aw wmen bukra 7aybaleshu kshoufat wf7ou9at wba3daha 3ala 6oul el3elag

Wahab: khala9 7elu,yuma ayhe jna6kum? Entay w3abdallah

Aysha: elsoud elthentain lekbar,ou fe handbag burtqaleya abeha

Lama: enzain ya3ne benrou7 n7e6 jna6na wnred wela shnu elwath3?

Wahab: la ana agoul nraye7 kelna a7san dam al7en maku ay shay

Aysha: la tawa yatle wa7da galat 3ashan 7alta bybalshoun belf7ou9at men al7een may9er nan6er

Lama: khala9 wahab ayey weyak nchayek 3al7ajz wenazel laghrath wnred bser3a?

Wahab: taben teg3den warou7 ana?

Lama: madre 3ade

Wahab: khala9 khalech entay ana a7jezlena sheqa?

Lama: la a7san ghurfa w9ala

Wahab: khala9 ana awade elaghrath wa7jez wared

Lama: ya36ek el3afya,ana bag3ad ashouf elf7ou9at whalsuwalef

Wahab: allah ysahel wygawma belsalama enshallah

Wahab went to the hotel to book,lama was with the dr's 3ashan elf7ou9at,aysha kanat trateb laghrath 3ashan maykoun louya belghurfa

Enzayn cheny wayed estanast 3ala germany?

Wahalnaa w7bayebnaa belkuwait wainhuum?

Yalah yalah n6er lkuwait,and too nasser and manoura

Malflany: way3 na9er mane gadra adres!

NS': eh laysh fahmeny!

Malflany: bas mabe

NS': 3an eldala3 yalah dersay

Malflany: mafenee

NS': wallah etha shahadtech mu nafs ele abeh? Ayey elbait a6egech wallah el3athem!

Malflany: cham tabe?

NS': 96

Malflany: afta7lek elbab t6gney?

NS': hahaha ma ttha7ken

Malflany: en yebt 90 goul el7emdellah

NS': wallah?

Malflany: abe hot chocolate men *bucks;c

NS': tthay3en elsalfa 7athrtech:)?

Malflany: takhyal law ywa9loun #:-s

NS': mneera:)

Malflany: wallah wanasa etha ywa9loun

NS': bye

Malflany: ta3aal:$

NS': ba6la3

Malflany: wain?

NS': hmm madre yemken arou7 elbede3

Malflany: way3

NS': bafham laysh tekrhen halmukan?


Nasser didn't replay her,yadre enha tekrah elbede3 and there's no reasons!

After 5 mins..

Shahda is calling

Muneera: emt7anat shtaben dagga:)

Shahad: manoura khayfa!

Muneera: sh9ayyer?

Shahad: nafs kel mara!

Muneera: shahad lazem tetkalmain!

Shahad: akhaaf ygoulon laysh kentay sakta,bas wallah ana makentt adreyy and started to cry

Muneera: enzain enzain khala9 lazem tfakren shetsawen! Sure mara7 taskten wla ra7 trou7en!

Shahad: shasawee manoura akhaaf akhaff!!!!

Muneera: qasman belah ghabeya! Chan zain a7ad b3eed.. Wa7ed menna wfena!

Shahad: ana shdranee? Ehwa kan gayely esem thane wmakent adree enaa ehwaa

Muneera: enzain sem3ay..

At alzayn's side

Bader: zayoun mumken tyenly el9ala? Abech bmawthou3

Alzayn: tharoure?

Bader: laysh 3endech shay?

Alzayn: male khelg bannam

Bader: zayoun shfech! Kela mataben teg3den weyay wla taben agareb 9oubech 7ata elnoum khlaitene anam bghurfa thanya!

Alzayn: bader madre wallah mu beidey!

Bader: eeh shfech? Shele mkhalech tekrheny chthey?

Alzayn: bader magdar ashem re7tek tukfa 7es wallah magdar!

Bader: g3ad atsaba7 bel36ourat ele entay t7benha ham may3ajbech!

Alzayn: madre madre bader tukfa e6la3

Bader: ley meta?

Alzayn: baderrr tukfaa e6laa3,and she ran to the bathroom..

Bader: la 7awla wla quweta ela bellah.. Maku ghair noura!

Bader went to noura's apartment bdoun laydeg 3alaiha or ya36eha khabar

When he arrived to the 2nd floor..

Noura: 3azeeezz tukfa la'a,3azeezz y3awerr wallahh y3awer wakher 3azeezz laaa'a aaayyy wallaahhh y3aweerr tukfaaa laa'a..

Noura was shouting!

Bader was in his own world..

Laysh noura g3ad t9arekh? Shnu ele y3awerr wla'a?

Bader knocked the door..

Aziz opened the door.. At the same time noura went to her room as fast as she can

Aziz: halaaa belneseeebbb

Bader: hala,fekum shay?

Aziz: laa yuba wain fenna shay bas ekhtekk g3ad atghashmar weyaha wma t7amalat,t3aref b3ad 7asaseyat el7amel

Bader: eh aha..

Aziz: 7ayak 7ayyakk

Bader: allah y7ayek..

Noura changed into her 3abaya..

And yes,3azeez magam yertha enha talbes ghair el3abaya 7eta law jedam bader!

Bader salam 3ala noura wga3ad

Bader: shlounech?

Noura was tired,embayen 3alaiha elta3ab..

Noura: el7emdellah,enta shlounek wshloun zayoun?

Bader: kelhum bkhair,el7amal chena la3eb fech le3eb

Noura looked into aziz's eyes,she was scared..

Noura: hehehe ehh

Bader: zain baghaitech bmawthou3..

Aziz: ana asta2then 3ayal,ekhthaw ra7tkum

Bader: elsemou7a ya bu s3ayed,bas tadre ya3ne..

Aziz: la afa 3alaik,ekheth ra7tek

And he went out

Bader: noura,gabel la abde bmawthou3e.. Fech shay? 3azeez g3ad ysawelech shay?

Noura: laa-a-ish?

Bader: noura su2ale wathe7!

Noura: ha,ehh qa9de la'a

Bader: shnu ele la'a?

Noura: mayswele shay..

Bader: kentaw bt6l3oun?

Noura: la'a laysh?

Bader: labsa 3abatech chench?

Noura: ha?

Bader: noura 7abebte,ana ekhouch wuboch wsnedach.. 9adgene mara7 asawe shay,bas 3azeez shemsawelech?

Noura: wa3ad matswela shay?

Bader: wa3ad wallah wa3ad,bas ray7ene?

Noura took her 3abaya off..

Kan fe 7roug! Ehh eidha kelha 7roug,wzandha mzoureg!

Bader was *s h o c k e d*

Bader: noura hatha shnu:|?

Noura ashrat 3ala doulka..

Bader: shaku doulkat elmay al7een?

Noura: 3azez yket 3alay may 7ar..

Bader: NA3AM?

Noura: tukfaa latswela shay,ana rathya ma3laiikk


Noura: baderr weeleyy eba6neyy?? Wain age6aa wain awadeehh? Bacheerr men ythefnyy ana ou ele eba6neyy??

Bader: laa ana wla umee 3ayzanen 3alaich! Wkaana rubaina bdouun uboo!

Noura: tertha 3yalek yerboun nafs marbaina e7na?

Bader nazal rassa..

Kalam noura 9a7! Bas ham bnafs elwagt may9er ele g3ad ysaweh 3azeez!

Noura: sheft? Lazem asket wa9ber,allah gal wbasher el9abrein.. Wana na6raa lbshara!

Bader: 3ala ra7tech.. Ou 3azeez ra7 akhaley 3amey fahad ysafra dawra wela y6asesa ay mukan,allahh yel3an ebles..

Noura: kaifek,bas latgoul 7ag 3azeez 3an shay wele shefta baine wbainek!

Bader: men 3youne

Noura: teslam,bas gule shmawthou3ek enta?

Bader: zayoun ya noura zayoun!

Noura: shfeha?

Bader: madre shfeha,tlou3 chabdha meny,matabene agareb 9oubha mat7eb re7tey! W9alat ena ana bghurfa wehya bghurfa!

Noura: badouuur:o

Bader: haa

Noura: akhaaff 7ameeel?

Bader: shnuuuu:o?

Noura: gouum emsh nwadehaa tsaweyy ta7leel!

Bader: raylechh yertha?

Noura: ha.. Entaa rou7 wana adegg 3alaik

Bader: mashe,wana ba7awel asafra bagrab wagt,baina aloo

Noura: mashe 7abebe,ma3a elsalama wbashrneyy

Bader: enshallahh

Bader ra7 wehwa 6ayer men elfar7a..

La mu yemken,akeedd 7amel! B3ad eh hathe a3rath el7amal.. La laaa yaynaa elkhaairr!

Ma wa3at zayoun ela mkhaleha tbadel w6ayer feha elmustashfa!

When they arrived,khathaw elta7alel ou baqshash'hum 3ashan ykhale9 after 3 hours!

And after 3 hours..

The dr called alzayn's name..

Bader and alzayn went to the dr!

Bader: haa dectora bashrayy? Bent walad wa7ed athnaain?

The dr: ...

PS: I know b3athkum bygoulon ena shda3waa film hendy 3an part noura wbader wena 3azeez yket 3alaiha may 7ar.. Bas 3ala fekra this part is true xx

Comment please? Fathlan wlaysa amran..

Twitter: @simple_love29
Ask.fm: http://ask.fm/simplelove29

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